罗宾·查克拉维蒂 / 医疗顾问
Dr. Robin Chakraverty / Medical Consultant
Dr.Robin 在肌肉骨骼医学领域工作了30年,2008年以来一直全职从事竞技体育保障工作,担任过多个重要职位,包括英国田径首席医疗官、英格兰男子足球队运动医生、英超联赛伍尔弗汉普顿流浪者队的运动和医学主管,以及最近在中国超级联赛的相关工作。Dr. Robin 曾服务于2012年和2016年奥运会和残奥会的运动员和球员,并参加过英格兰足球联赛、世界和欧洲足球锦标赛以及2018年FIFA世界杯等赛事的保障工作,在团队和个人运动方面都展现出了卓越的专业知识。他在领导多学科团队,包括物理治疗师、运动科学家、健身教练、营养师和运动心理学家,进行运动损伤的诊断和保守治疗(如肌肉拉伤、韧带扭伤、肌腱疼痛、骨应力损伤和关节损伤) 以及运动损伤预防方面有丰富的专业知识。
Working Language:English
Head of Performance and Medicine, Chinese Super League Team
Member, British Association of Sports and Exercise Medicine
Fellow, Faculty of Sports and Exercise Medicine (FFSEM)
Member, London College of Osteopathic Medicine (MLCOM)
Experience & Expertise:
Dr. Robin has worked in musculoskeletal medicine for the last 30 years, and in full time elite sport since 2008. He has held several high profile positions in this time, including Chief Medical Officer for British Athletics, Lead Performance Doctor to the England Men's Football team, Head of Performance and Medicine at Wolverhampton Wanderers in the English Premier League and more recently roles with the Chinese Super League. As such, Dr. Robin has proven expertise in both team and individual sports, and has worked with athletes and players attending Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (2012 and 2016), as well as national leagues, World and European Championships, and the FlFA football World Cup in 2018. His expertise is leading a multidisciplinary team, including physical therapists, sports scientists, fitness coaches, nutritionists and sports psychologists, in thediagnosis and conservative management of sports injuries (such as muscle strains,ligament sprains, tendon pain, bone stress injuries, and joint injuries), sports injury prevention and general sports-related medical issues.