金光医疗运动康复中心 遵循美国APTA标准康复流程,由美国资深康复博士带队,专业运动医学医生与康复师团队加盟。针对不同患者定制符合循证医学的个性化治疗方案及全方位康复诊疗服务,全线跟踪身体各部位运动机能,帮助激发身体潜能,和您一起探索更多可能性。 Sinarmas Healthcare Sports Rehabilitation Center follows the APTA standard rehabilitation process in the United States and is composed of a team of sports medicine doctors and physical therapists. The rehabilitation center offers evidence-based customized therapies and integrated rehabilitation care to track the movement functions of various parts of the body, stimulate your physical potential and explore more possibilities with you.